Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Taco, burrito, what’s hangin out yo speedo?!

Written on May 7th.

Hope everyone wore a sombrero this past weekend sometime. It makes a person happy. Really.

In honor of happiness, here is a list of things I love:

Sombreros, hot tubs, laughing until it hurts, great hair days, Saturdays, football, a good drink, a good book, a great friend, doors that open by pushing instead of pulling...(cause I feel I get less germies that way), bran flakes, tulips, listening to the funny things kids say, animals, snail mail letters, kisses, the feeling of accomplishment after a good workout, bagels (ha...not right after working out!!), family, memories, how a certain song or smell can take you to a different place or time, flip flops and pedicures, BBQ's with friends, glow in the dark bowling, wrapping up in a warm handmade quilt, pretty teeth, the Facts of Life tv show, Tom Hanks in The Money Pit- especially when the tub falls through the floor and he's laughing and the part where he says "honey, we have weak trees!", the smell of a new car, cuddling, a hike with friends somewhere scenic, naps, the ocean, and being independent.

I'll save the things I don't care for, for another...less joyous day! lol

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