Thursday, April 26, 2007


Went to Dallas this past weekend to visit my younger sister Angie, her hubby Jeff, and baby Adam. It was great to get away after the last couple of weeks of work. (Our fundraiser went great, I personally came within $150 of my $2000 goal..and I think we will not be too far from our overall goal once we have the other bowling event for the last county).
Anyway, the weekend was great. Lots of rest, relaxation, and quality time with my family. And seriously, Adam is the cutest and most hysterical baby of all time. Work with me...because now I have to show him from the weekend..and one hysterical video that you absolutely MUST watch. He's a riot! Lots of slobber, spectacular dimples, and two little teeth starting to poke through!

He does this ALL the time! It's fantabulous entertainment! They are also teaching him to rub his belly after he's done eating. Too funny.


rubyslipperlady said...

I want him to do "SOOOO BIG!"

Dang rubbing his tummy is freakin' hilarious! I can't wait to get there! He misses his most favorite Aunt Amy sooo much!

SUPER said...

Don't kid yourself. We all know I'm his fave. I'm the cool aunt! ha

rubyslipperlady said...


Friar Tuck said...

you two.

SUPER said...

Yep...he's too stinking adorable. I miss him I'm sure he does me!