Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Now what do we do??

First REAL snow of the season...the dogs are NOT amused...

They sniff the entire yard and run the perimeter in search of the Snow Bandit...

Gabby gets highly irritated with me taking pictures and says "ENOUGH! Let me in where it's warm already ya lunatic"!!!

They search for buried treasures...(i.e. frisbees, food dish, bones, a stray cat??)

Josie stands on case the Snow Bandit reappears in her short visit outside...

Both pups quickly find a spot to claim as their own, back inside trying to warm back up before they go out in another 4 hours to potty! HA
YEP! SUPER SPOILED! But admit it, they're SUPER CUTE too!


rubyslipperlady said...

You are a super freak.

David Cho said...

They seem to enjoy themselves, so why do you say they are not amused?

David Cho said...

Makes me think...

My dog is now over 10 years old, but he has never seen snow. How can I make that happen...?

SUPER said...

They are always ready to tear out the back door in the morning. So they were waiting impatiently for me to open the door as usual, as soon as I opened and they saw the snow...the turned and ran the other way! Once outside, the frolic for about 2 mintues, take care of business and are so OVER the snow and want back inside to warmth! THAT is why I say they are not amused! ha

As for snow for you dog...road trip to pretty much anywhere but Cali, Arizona, or Florida! Should be able to find some!

Friar Tuck said...

I am not a big pet person, but your dogs sure are cute.

SUPER said...

Darn tootin' they are!